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Wednesday 27 July 2016

She is not perfect but she is Love: Quote and Quotations

She is not perfect but she is Love

Best quotations

She is not perfect, no
but when she is lying
down next to me
and she fits my limbs
so easily,
when she is dragging her lips
on my neck
even in her sleep I guess I am
allowed boast
that she is pretty
damn close

Love Quotes: I don't want to settle

I don't want to settle

Quotes, Quotations

I don't want to settle
I want mindfucking love
I want to spend all night thinking about kissing you
and when I finally get the balls to
I want to go deaf to every-thing but the moment.
I refuse to settle for any thing less

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Best Cute Sweet Love Quotes: I Love You

Best, Cute, Sweet, Love, Quotes

I Love you, against my will.

Best Cute Love Quotes: Relationships

Cute Love Quotes, Quotations

Relationships are not complicated,
I take care of you,
you take care of me,
End of story.

Love Quotes: For a star to be born

star, love quotes, quotations

For a star to be born
there is one thing
that must happen
a gaseous nebula
must collapse.

So collapse.
This is not your destruction.

This is your birth.

Love Quotes: Someone Drunken on Phone

Quotes and quotations

I want to be someone drunken phone call.
Because then
Even though their mind is
Clouded with the haze of alcohal
They could remember
That you are what they want.

What is Happiness

Sad Quotes and Quotations, happiness

Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.

Monday 25 July 2016

Love Quotes: People are where they are

sad quotes or quotations

                                                                                                                                                                         People are where they are because that is exactly where they want to be- whether they admit or not.

Love is a meeting of two souls

sad quotes

Love is a meeting of two souls fully accepting the dark and the light within each other bound by the courage to grow through struggle into bliss.


The Best Blog Headlines

Whether you are just starting out with blogging or even if you have a lot of experience, knowing how to write the best blog headlines can be tough. Thankfully a lot of headlines have been written in the past, and some very helpful people have analyzed them for us. The social media gurus at Social Media Today suggest that the following kinds of ideas and headlines get people clicking:

  • Tap into fear (eg. 5 Warning Signs That No One’s Reading Your Blog)
  • Highlight common mistakes (eg. Are You Making these 7 Blogging Mistakes?)
  • How to headlines (eg. How to Get More Facebook Fans Without Spending a Dime)
  • List headlines (eg. 27 Tips for Getting More Blog Subscribers)
  • The Secret of [blank]
  • Here is a Method That is Helping [blank] to [blank]
  • Little Known Ways to [blank]
  • Get Rid of [problem] Once and For All
  • Here’s a Quick Way to [solve a problem]
  • [Do something] like [world-class example]
  • What Everybody Ought to Know About [blank]
  1. Use Google keyword planner tool.
  2. Check you spell correctly or not.
  3. Make title clear, concise, short and sweet.
  4. Length of title should be less than 70 characters.
  5. Start your post title with phrase like 'How to', 'Free', 'Top 10' etc.

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Love quotes for him and her
short Love quotes for him and her
cute Love quotes for him and her
Love quotes for him and her images

sad quotes, quotation

Best Love Quotes

And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Why Twitter flodded with #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes tweets?

Today the tweeter Timelines of people flooded with the hashtag  #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes. Mostly people were tweeting funny quotes about Melania Trump. You should know that Melania is the number third wife of Donald J Trump. She is also a model and a watch and jewelry designer.

Hottest day of the year

Every year there comes a when we say that ist the hottes day of the year. Then people start tweeting and posting on Facebook about this,