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Saturday 21 March 2015

Sad Love Quotes: I hope there are days

Sad Love Quotes and Quotations

I hope there are days
when you fall in love
with just being alive

Sad Love Quotes: Life is simple

Best Sad Love Quotes and Quotations

Life is Simple.
Every Thing Happens for you, not to you.

Sad Love Quotes: This is my personal mantra

Cute and Sweet Love Quotes

Live the life you would be envious of if you saw someone else living it. This is my personal mantra. Whenever I am going through a difficult time, like a breakup and I’m wishing to be the person who could get over it and move on.

 I tell myself to be that person. Instead of waiting to be inspired by someone else and being jealous that they’re living a life I wish I had, I tell myself not to wait for that moment and to start being the person I want to be.

If you wish you were the woman who went for that big promotion, learned a second language, dumped that guy who cheated on you, then just be that person. Think, if I have the energy to wish for it, I have the energy to do it.