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Wednesday 27 July 2016

She is not perfect but she is Love: Quote and Quotations

She is not perfect but she is Love

Best quotations

She is not perfect, no
but when she is lying
down next to me
and she fits my limbs
so easily,
when she is dragging her lips
on my neck
even in her sleep I guess I am
allowed boast
that she is pretty
damn close

Love Quotes: I don't want to settle

I don't want to settle

Quotes, Quotations

I don't want to settle
I want mindfucking love
I want to spend all night thinking about kissing you
and when I finally get the balls to
I want to go deaf to every-thing but the moment.
I refuse to settle for any thing less

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Best Cute Sweet Love Quotes: I Love You

Best, Cute, Sweet, Love, Quotes

I Love you, against my will.

Best Cute Love Quotes: Relationships

Cute Love Quotes, Quotations

Relationships are not complicated,
I take care of you,
you take care of me,
End of story.

Love Quotes: For a star to be born

star, love quotes, quotations

For a star to be born
there is one thing
that must happen
a gaseous nebula
must collapse.

So collapse.
This is not your destruction.

This is your birth.